
Thanks for wanting to subscribe!Because you hovered over me, I'll give you some advice: After subscribing, email Eyram with a question you are specifically confused about. He'll answer it no matter what. *cough* Give him some time though...

I’m sure you’ll love the awesome (yet detailed) content I have for you in the newsletter.

To make things simple, let’s get straight to the point.

The +Engineer Newsletter is there to give you current, simple, and direct advice to for problems such as:

  • Finding A Job/ Internship
  • Designing Your Resume
  • Understanding and Playing Mind-Games with Recruiters

…..and sooooooo much more!

None of this information is on my blog. And it’s free.

Finally, you’ll get my exact resume that I used to get my 3 job offers (with step-by-step instructions) as a template.

Don’t wait. Click the button below and become a beast at this game we call “Job Hunting”.

Click Here to get the FREE Resume Template That Over 5000+ People Downloaded (And Got Jobs With)

Thanks again for showing you are serious about your career.

To Your Success,


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